Nowadays, it seems that the era shame for carrying replica bags is gone forever, and people attitudes towards replica bags also undergone subtle changes. When asked again, "Do you care about replica bags and shoes?" Many people say, "It's nothing, it's not embarrassing."Just few years, people's rejection of high replica has become less sharp. In the past, bought replica bags, can't afford to buy them and love to get them. Now buy replica bags: give me the link to buy.
Why people's attitude to replica bags gradually been change?
In fact, regardless of whether one has money or not, the first thing for purchasing high-quality imitation bags is definitely to save money.As well known, the marketing strategy of luxury brands always been to screen customers by raising the prices.
Between 2021 and 2024, 70% of the growth in luxury goods sales was driven by price increases.
Top performers like LV and CHANEL, with the former raising prices three times within a year, with the highest single increase 15%.The latter has seen a three-year increase of over 60%, with yields outperforming many stock funds.
Don't underestimate the bag placed on the counter, it may be able to exchange for the hottest new energy vehicle currently available. And some classic or seasonal bags are also worth tens of thousands.Of course, in the eyes of rich person, even if luxury bags increase by another 50%, they still buy them. After all, luxury goods are a "weapon" to showcase they social class.
I believe that there will always be someone willing to keep paying for them. Until chatting with a friend who works as a cabinet lady.She told me that in fact, most of their clients are middle-class, and there are also real billionaires, but only a few. Many people choose to mix real and fake when they go out.unbelievable! Would rich person who drive Porsche or Maybach buy high-end imitations?
So I decided to investigate, and the results surprised me even more. The rich's love for counterfeit goods far exceeds your imagination! I think besides saving money, people are no longer resistant to high replica, which is also related to the increasing degree of high imitation. High imitation bags are definitely divided into different dregees. The rich with a bit of insight will definitely not buy low counterfeit products.
The top-notch replica are not only impeccable in appearance, but also strive to achieve maximum restoration in details.
It is precisely because the simulation degree can even reach over 95% that professional appraisers exist. And some senior appraisers can even earn an annual salary of millions.
I have seen several high-end imitation designer bags before, because use imported leather from the original factory, the softness and bright luster of the leather impressed me, and the amount of hardware was also just perfact.
I have to admire the craftsmanship of domestic craftsmen. It can be replicated as genuine in a purely handmade manner.
On careful consideration, it seems to be correct. The production of bags is not about making chips, and there are no major technical barriers. If even ordinary people, including authentic sellers, can distinguish them, appraisers would have no value in existence.
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